CourseLeaf CIM (Curriculum Inventory Management) is the new online curriculum management system used for all curriculum related matters at Penn State. A software product from Leepfrog Technologies, CourseLeaf CIM interfaces with both LionPATH and the University Bulletins. It contains an automated workflow approval process for reviewing and approving proposals and is used for the following curriculum actions:
When a proposal is submitted, the appropriate workflow approval process will be activated. Approvers within the workflow will be notified via email of proposals awaiting their review and response, while proposers will be able to track the progress of their proposal as it moves through the approval process. Once a proposal has successfully completed the workflow process and is approved, course and program data from that proposal will automatically sync with LionPATH and the University Bulletins at the appropriate time.
All Penn State faculty and staff have access to the CourseLeaf CIM system. If a faculty/staff member is unable to log in to the system, please contact to request access.