Understanding the Ecosystem

The CourseLeaf CIM Ecosystem shows courses, programs, and pages from the University Bulletins that are related to the course being viewed, and Bulletin pages that publish the program being reviewed. The Ecosystem allows you to see what other courses and programs reference a specific course as a requisite or program requirement. In other words, the Ecosystem shows you a complete list of courses and programs that will be impacted if the course being viewed is changed or dropped.

When proposing to change or drop a course, reviewing the information presented in the Ecosystem will help you build your consultation list. Units with courses and programs that reference the course being changed or dropped will have an interest in what changes are being proposed so they can determine if a change proposal is necessary for any impacted course or program.

How to View the Ecosystem

From the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard, search for the course you would like to review by using the Search Box or Quick Search dropdown menu.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard search course features.

Once you locate the appropriate proposal in the results table, select the proposal row in the results box.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard search results table.

Below the results table will be a preview panel of the currently selected proposal. The Ecosystem is displayed in the first box of the preview panel. Each entry in the Ecosystem is a link that will open the corresponding page or proposal in CIM.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard ecosystem.

What the Ecosystem Shows

Programs Referencing this Course

Programs in CIM that reference the course in some way, usually in the program description, entrance requirements, or program requirements field(s) of that program.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard ecosystem - programs referencing this course section.

Other Courses Referencing this Course

Courses in LionPATH that name the course being viewed as a prerequisite, corequisite, or concurrent course.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management ecosystem - courses referencing this course section.

Catalog Pages Referencing this Course

Pages in the University Bulletins that mention the course being viewed. This can include course description pages, program pages with suggested academic plans, general information pages that have course lists, or any other instance a course is mentioned in the University Bulletins outside of the CourseLeaf CIM system.

Note: courses that appear in a program's published entrance and program requirements will not show in this section. Those will appear in the Program's Referencing this Course section.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard ecosystem - Bulletin pages referencing this course section.


Icon of the letter "i" for information

The Ecosystem also displays for programs from the CourseLeaf CIM Program Management dashboard. However, the only section that appears is the Catalog Pages Using this Program, which provides a link to the University Bulletins page(s) the program appears on.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Program Management dashboard ecosystem - Bulletin pages referencing this course section.