The instructions below explain how to successfully complete the proposal form for a new program. This includes majors, minors, credit certificates, and non-credit certificates. If you want to edit an existing program, please follow the instructions for how to submit a proposal to change an existing program. If you want to drop a program, please follow the instructions for how to submit a proposal to drop a program.
A prospectus is required for all undergraduate program proposals. For graduate program proposals, a prospectus is only required for new graduate programs or extending an existing graduate program to online delivery. A new prospectus proposal can be completed from the CIM Prospectus Management dashboard. Instructions on how to complete the prospectus form are found in the Prospectus Management User Guide.
The prospectus should be submitted and approved before the program proposal form is submitted to workflow for approval. However, you can begin work on the program proposal form in CIM while the prospectus is being reviewed. The work completed on the program proposal form can be saved and returned to in the CIM Program Management system.
The CIM program proposal form is a large form with several fields, which are described below. Before starting on a new program proposal form, please read the following tips and guidelines to help you successfully navigate form features and requirements.
The CIM program proposal form is a dynamic form. The fields that appear on the form will change depending on your answers to certain questions. For example, if you select "Undergraduate" for the Academic Level, a new section for Entrance and Retention Requirements will appear further down in the form. This section will not appear when any other academic level is selected.
Fields that are required are outlined in red. You cannot start workflow (i.e., begin the review and approval process) on your proposal until all required fields have been completed. You can, however, save changes to your incomplete proposal and return to complete and submit the form later.
Instructions for each question appear in italics above the question heading and field. Please read these instructions carefully before entering your information into the form.
You can save your changes to the proposal form at any time by clicking the Save Changes button at the bottom of your screen. This will save all changes made but will not submit the proposal to the approval workflow process. Saving changes allows you to come back to your proposal and finish editing at a later date.
Clicking the Cancel button will close the proposal without saving any changes made.
Once your proposal is finished and ready to begin the review process, click the Start Workflow button to submit the proposal to the approval workflow process.
Many of the CourseLeaf CIM program proposal form fields are the same for both undergraduate and graduate programs. The listing below displays all form fields for undergraduate programs. Instructions on graduate-specific form fields can be found on The Graduate School website.
From the dropdown menu, select the appropriate degree level of the new program (e.g., Undergraduate, Graduate, Dickinson Law, Penn State Law, Medical School).
Enter a brief summary of the new program proposal. This summary will be included in the email notification to consultants and other reviewers to help them determine if it is necessary to review the full proposal.
If the proposal includes curricular requirements that are exceptions to stated policy, select Yes.
An example of an exception to policy is including courses that cannot be taken as Pass/Fail to meet degree requirements.
If you select Yes, one additional form field will appear:
Provide an explanation for why the proposed exception to policy is required.
From the dropdown menu, select the appropriate type of program for this proposal (e.g., major, minor, certificate - credit, etc.). Please note that the choices listed in the menu are dependent upon the academic level selected above.
A prospectus is required for all undergraduate program proposals. A new prospectus proposal can be completed from the CIM Prospectus Management dashboard. Instructions on how to complete the prospectus form are found in the Prospectus Management User Guide.
The prospectus should be submitted and approved before the program proposal form is submitted to workflow for approval. However, you can begin work on the program proposal form in CIM while the prospectus is being reviewed. The work completed on the program proposal form can be saved and returned to in the CIM Program Management system.
From the dropdown menu, select the approved prospectus that corresponds to your program proposal.
Enter the proposed name of this program.
The CIP code is an identifier used by the U.S. Department of Education to accurately track, assess, and report on fields of study. CIP codes are assigned when the program is set up. A general guideline for using the 2020 Classification of Instructional Programs is to start with selecting the two-digit series which best describes the content of the program and then look for the six digit CIP code which best describes your program of study. In some cases, instructional programs may be found in one or more series.
To assist in determining the appropriate CIP code, click on the red Find... link.
The CIP Code Picker tool will open in a new window. To select the appropriate CIP code, you can enter a search term in the search box to the right or select a CIP Family from the dropdown list to see a subset of CIP Codes to choose from.
The results of a keyword search or selection of a CIP Family will appear in the Results box below.
Once you have found the appropriate CIP Code, click on the link in the Results box.
Your selection will be entered into the CIP Code field on your program proposal.
This selection can be modified by either entering a new code in the form field, or clicking the red Find... link and completing a new CIP code search using the process described above.
From the dropdown menu, select the college or school that will initially offer the program (i.e., the program originator). The College/School selected here will determine your choices for which Unit will initially offer the program.
From the dropdown menu, select the unit that will initially offer the program. The available Units are those that exist within the College/School you selected in the question above.
Select the campus(es) where the program will be initially delivered (i.e., the campus(es) from which the student can complete the degree).
For new program proposals for a new major that will eventually be offered at an additional unit by sharing academic authority, only select the campus where the program will be initially delivered. The additional campuses should only be added as part of a subsequent proposal to request authorization to share the degree program.
From the dropdown menu, select the semester in which you would like this new program to take effect. If you would like it to take effect as soon as possible, select As soon as possible from the dropdown menu.
Please note, the official effective semester for the new program will be set by the Office of the Faculty Senate once the proposal is approved. The effective semester entered will be based on the proposal's approval date. At that time, if the college prefers to implement the changes at a later time, the Associate Dean of the college may change the effective semester to a later date.
Enter the program description which will be published in the online University Bulletins. Per guidelines set in the Academic Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual, the program description should be limited to about 200 words. If there are options or additional bona fide special features (e.g., dual degree programs, cooperative programs such as work study), descriptions of these should be limited to approximately an additional 75 words each.
The minimum entrance requirements for baccalaureate degree programs set by Faculty Senate Policy 37-30 and AAPPM Procedure D-2 are:
These are the default entrance requirements for baccalaureate degree programs.
If you are requesting additional entrance requirements beyond the minimum for this program, select Yes.
Please note, while administrative enrollment controls are published in the Undergraduate Bulletin, they should not be entered on the CIM program proposal form. Administrative Enrollment Control approval is managed through a separate process by the Office of Undergraduate Education.
If you select Yes, two additional form fields will appear:
Enter the additional academic entrance requirements for this program. The text entered here will display in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
Enter the academic reasons for the requested additional entrance requirements. Provide a summary of the data used in documenting the desirability of the proposed requirements following the guidelines of the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Education - Appendix C: 2-18-1992.
A certificate consists of a group of courses, typically 9 to 15 credits. All credit courses for a certificate require a grade of C or better. All noncredit courses for a certificate require satisfactory completion, as defined by the unit offering the certificate.
When proposing a new undergraduate credit certificate, proposers are asked to enter all certificate requirements and course information in separate form fields on the proposal.
Once the proposer has completed the proposal and starts workflow to begin the review process, the first workflow step goes to the Office of the University Registrar to format all individual requirement components into a single certificate requirements entry. This entry, called the Bulletin Listing, follows the format template used in the University Bulletins. As the proposal continues to move through subsequent workflow steps, any changes to the certificate courses should be entered in the Bulletin Listing form field. Once the proposal has completed all workflow steps and receives final approval, the Bulletin Listing field is what will appear in the University Bulletins.
More information about the Bulletin Listing form field can be found in the Bulletin Listing Components and Formatting of Program Requirements User Guide.
Program Learning Objectives are short statements that describe the knowledge(s), skills, values, and habits of mind that students completing a given program should be able to demonstrate upon graduation. More information about the development of effective program learning objectives can be found on the Office of Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research website.
Enter one program learning objective per line:
To add a new program learning objective, click the Green Plus Sign Button in the form field header to add a new row. Enter the new program learning objective.
To delete a program learning objective, click the Red X Button to the right of the row.
To reorder the program learning objectives, click the Green Arrow Up and Arrow Down Buttons to the right of the rows. Click the Up Arrow Button to move a row up. Click the Down Arrow Button to move a row down.
Enter any additional information about the program proposal not covered in the form fields above. Additional notes can be added to this field as the proposal moves through the review process.
Upload supporting documentation related to the program as needed. While not every program will require attachments, proposers can choose to upload additional clarifying documents and/or letters of support.
To upload an attachment, click the green Attach File Button.
A File Upload window will open. In the window, navigate to the location of the document to upload on your computer, select the document and click the Open Button.
The selected document will appear in the Files to be Uploaded box.
To complete the file upload, click the Save Changes Button.
The uploaded file now appears in the Uploaded Files box.
To add additional files, repeat the Attach File and Save Changes process. Please note, multiple files can be added to the Files to be Uploaded box before saving changes.
To remove a file, click the red Remove link next to the file to be removed.
Consultation should be requested from all units with a known interest in the subject field and from all units that requested to be consulted during the prospectus phase. Consultation should also be requested from any other programs listed in the proposal as potentially affected by the course.
To add Consultation members, enter the name or user ID of each individual to be consulted.
For best results when entering a name, type the individual's last name in the form field. As you begin to type, a list of suggestions from the Penn State directory will pop up, from which you can select.
The selected individual's name will be added. For the initial round of consultation, select Include in the Include in Consultation field for all added consultants. For additional rounds of consultation, the existing consultants can be either Included or Excluded by selecting Consultation Sent, depending on whether they need to be consulted again. Consultants being added for the first time must have Include selected.
The Consultant's Response field will appear disabled at this point since the response will be selected by the consultant upon review of the proposal.
For each consultant listed, enter the unit the individual works in/represents in the Consultant Unit field. This will assist reviewers in determining if all units with a known interest in the subject field have been consulted.
To add another person, click the Green Plus Sign Button in the form field header to add a new row. Enter the name or user ID of that person.
To delete a row, click the Red X Button to the right of the row.
Disciplinary group lists are comprised of individuals within a specific academic discipline. When a disciplinary list is selected for consultation, all members on that list will be sent an email containing a short description of and link to the program proposal. Individuals who receive the email can: 1) forward it to others who might have an interest in the proposal; 2) comment directly in the proposal; or 3) contact the proposer and request to be added as a formal consultant.
To add a disciplinary group list, select a discipline from the dropdown menu.
To add another disciplinary list, click the Green Plus Sign Button in the form field header to add a new row. Select a discipline from the dropdown menu.
To delete a row, click the Red X Button to the right of the row.
Once you have completed the program proposal form, click the green Start Workflow Button at the bottom of your screen to begin the review process. The proposal will be sent to the first step in the approved workflow.
Note: You cannot start workflow on your proposal until all required fields have been completed.
The automated approval process in CIM is called the workflow. Once you click the green Start Workflow Button, your proposal will begin this approval process.
The required workflow steps are defined by each academic college. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will move to the next step of the workflow. As the proposal moves to the next workflow step, the appropriate user(s) will be notified via an automated email that the new program proposal is ready to be reviewed, edited, approved, or rejected.
You can log in to the CourseLeaf CIM Program Management dashboard at any time to see where your proposal is in the workflow process. Once you have located your proposal in the dashboard, the preview will include the full list of workflow steps the proposal must complete. The current workflow step for the proposal will be in bold orange text. Completed workflow steps will be in bold green text.
At any point in the approval process a reviewer might have questions about the proposal. You will have the opportunity to address these questions and/or provide additional information about your proposal at various steps throughout the workflow. You cannot directly edit your proposal until it returns to you in the workflow process. You will be notified via email when the proposal has reached the workflow step for you to review and address reviewer feedback.
A reviewer may also choose to rollback the proposal to a previous step in the workflow. In this case, the proposal will need to repeat the workflow steps from the point the proposal was rolled back to.
More information about proposal review can be found in the Workflow Management User Guide section.
Following approval by the Faculty Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs, the proposal will enter the Post-Approval phase of workflow. In the Post-Approval step, the Associate Dean (or designee) is asked to provide additional information about the program. One section covers information related to cost analysis for the program (for new majors and minors). The remaining items are needed for publication in the University Bulletins and/or appropriate setup of the program in LionPATH Update Academics.
To add this new information to the proposal, the Associate Dean (or designee) can click on the Page Approval link that is included in the automated email sent when it is the Associate Dean's step in the workflow process. The email link will take the user to the CourseLeaf Approval Dashboard.
By using the Page Approval link from the automated email, the Associate Dean's role will be pre-selected from the Role dropdown menu.
Scroll through the Pages Pending Approval list and select the appropriate page to edit.
Once the appropriate page is selected, the reports and workflow status window and the Page Review window will be populated with information.
From the toolbar of the Page Review window, click the blue Edit Button to open the proposal. The program proposal will open in a new window.
The Post-Approval form fields appear toward the bottom of the program proposal form under the heading Post-Approval.
The form fields included in the section are as follows:
Suggested Academic Plans (SAPs) are semester-by-semester guides that show students how they can meet the degree requirements for a major. The SAP should consist of a recommended series of courses by semester, and should include footnotes to indicate: 1) courses requiring a grade of C or better for the major; 2) courses requiring a grade of C or better for General Education (GWS and GQ); 3) courses that are Entrance to Major requirements; 4) courses that satisfy General Education and degree requirements.
Using the Suggested Academic Plan template form, upload the suggested academic plan(s) for this new program to appear in the University Bulletins. For majors with options, upload a separate template form for each option SAP. Each template should be clearly labeled with the program name, option name (if applicable), and campus(es). In addition to the SAP for students beginning and ending at the same campus, it is recommended that each program also provide an SAP for students participating in a 2+2 plan.
To upload a Suggested Academic Plan, click the green Attach File button.
A File Upload window will open. In the window, navigate to the location of the image file to upload on your computer, select the image file and click the Open Button.
The selected image file will appear in the Files to be Uploaded box.
To add additional files, repeat the Attach File process. Please note, multiple files can be added to the Files to be Uploaded box before saving changes.
To remove a file, click the red Remove link next to the file to be removed.
The file upload will be complete once you click the Save Changes Button once you have finished adding the Post-Approval updates.
Enter the name of the academic department/unit that houses this program (program contact), along with the department's/unit's (program contact's) main contact details. This information should include:
If the program is not housed in a department or unit, please provide the appropriate address, phone number, and email address that students should contact with non-advising related questions about the program.
An example of how this information appears on a program page in the University Bulletins is as follows:
University Park
604 Ford Building
University Park, PA 16802
Enter the name and contact information for the individual who students should contact with advising-related questions about this program. The information should include:
An example of how this information appears on a program page in the University Bulletins is as follows:
Danielle Lewis
Academic Adviser
604 Ford Building
University Park, PA 16802
Click the appropriate checkboxes (up to five) to select the academic interest areas that should be associated with your new program. The selections will be applied to your program on the University Bulletins program filter page.
You can save changes at any time and come back to the proposal later to finish adding the Post-Approval information. Clicking the Save Changes Button will save all changes made but will not submit the proposal to the next step in the approval workflow.
Once you have finished adding all requested Post-Approval items, click the Save Changes Button at the bottom of your screen to save the information to the program proposal.
The last piece of information to add to the program proposal for a new major is the Undergraduate Admissions and LionPATH Update Academics Form. This form provides the Office of Undergraduate Admissions with the data it needs to add the new program to the Penn State's online application for admission and the Office of the University Registrar with the data it needs to build the new program in LionPATH Update Academics.
To add the Undergraduate Admissions and LionPATH Update Academics Form to the proposal, complete the form and upload it as an attachment in the Proposal Attachments section (above the Post Approval section) as described below.
To upload the Undergraduate Admissions and LionPATH Update Academics Form as an attachment, click the green Attach File Button.
Note: If the major has no options, upload one completed form. If options exist, one form must be completed and uploaded for each option.
A File Upload window will open. In the window, navigate to the location of the completed form to upload on your computer, select the document and click the Open Button.
The selected document will appear in the Files to be Uploaded box.
The file upload will be completed when you click the Save Changes Button once you have completed all your changes.
The uploaded file now appears in the Uploaded Files box.
To add additional completed forms for each option, repeat the Attach File and Save Changes process. Please note, multiple files can be added to the Files to be Uploaded box before saving changes.
To remove a file, click the red Remove link next to the file to be removed.
The program proposal window will close. Once you are satisfied with the contents of the program proposal, you can approve the proposal and send it to the next step in the workflow process by clicking the green Approve Button in the Page Review window on the CourseLeaf Approval Dashboard.
Once the proposal has: 1) received final approval from the Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs after being published in the Senate Curriculum Report and 2) had the Post-Approval information added by the Associate Dean (or designee), the next step of the workflow goes to the Office of Undergraduate Education for review and notification of the new curriculum to the Board of Trustees. Once approved, the Office of Undergraduate Education will confirm program authorization on behalf of the Executive Vice President and Provost to implement the new curriculum.
After the final approval of Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs and authorization from the Executive Vice President and Provost to implement the new program, the Office of the University Registrar will enter the new program into LionPATH Update Academics and build the degree audit.
Once the proposal has completed the approval process, the proposer will receive an automated email message notifying you of the proposal approval.
The new program will publish in the University Bulletins at the time of its official effective semester. For example, if the program is approved during the month of October and its official effective semester is for the following spring semester, the program will be published in the University Bulletins at the beginning of the spring semester.