How to Change Workflow for Individual Proposals

Users with college administrator access have the ability to adjust workflow steps for individual proposals as needed. This includes adding, deleting, and rearranging workflow steps.

Access Update Pending Workflow Tool

To make a workflow change, college administrators can navigate directly to the CourseLeaf Approval Dashboard to locate the appropriate proposal. Alternatively, college administrators can click on the Page Approval link that is included in the automated email sent when it is their step in the workflow process.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard.

By using the Page Approval link from the automated email, the college administrator's role will be pre-selected from the Role dropdown menu.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with role selected.

Scroll through the Pages Pending Approval list and select the appropriate page to edit.

Note: Click the Refresh List Button to see if new pages have been added since your last visit or if the list doesn't contain an expected page.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with pages pending approval highlighted.

Once the appropriate page is selected, the reports and workflow status window and the Page Review window will be populated with information.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with reports and workflow status windows highlighted.

Select the Workflow Status tab in the Page Info/Status window in the upper right side of the screen.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with workflow status tab highlighted.

Select Update Pending Workflow to update workflow for this proposal for this approval cycle only.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard workflow status tab with update pending workflow button highlighted.

The Update Pending Workflow tool will open in a new browser window for you to update the pending workflow steps as desired (as described below).

Note: An automated email will not be sent if the first user in the Pending Workflow is changed. In addition, the first user in the Pending Workflow list should not be updated to an FYI workflow step.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool.

How to Add Steps to a Workflow

To add a step to the workflow, click the Green Plus Sign Button in the upper right side of the Update Pending Workflow tool.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with add button highlighted.

In the Add Pending Step pop-up window, enter the appropriate workflow step identification in the Enter ID or name field. This identification must exactly match the role in Role Management.

Some common workflow steps include:

  • Consultation: to send the proposal for another round of Consultation.
  • Principal Faculty Member: to send the proposal back to the Principal Faculty Member.
  • XX Dean / Associate Dean: to send to the college's Dean / Associate Dean. (whereby the "XX" must be replaced with the appropriate two-letter college code)
  • XX College Administrator: to send to the College Administrator. (whereby the "XX" must be replaced with the appropriate two-letter college code)

Once you have entered the correct workflow step identification, click the OK Button.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with add step pop-up highlighted.

The added step now appears in your list of pending steps.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with newly added step highlighted.

To move the newly added step to the appropriate position in the pending workflow, select the step with your cursor and click the Green Arrow Up and Arrow Down Buttons until the step is in place.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with move button highlighted.

Click the OK Button to save your changes.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with ok button highlighted.

Your added step now appears in the Pending box on the Workflow Status tab.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with workflow status tab - pending box highlighted.


Icon of the letter "i" for information
  • A workflow step that is dynamically generated (i.e., Col Dean / Associate Dean (Undergrad)) will show **Not Found** in the Name column. This is expected since that step is a placeholder for an actual role, such as "UC Dean / Associate Dean (Undergrad)".
  • In some circumstances, you may need to add a second workflow step to bring the proposal back to the step it is currently at. An example of how to do this appears below.

How to Rearrange Steps in a Workflow

To rearrange steps in the workflow, select the step you wish to move and click the Green Arrow Up and Arrow Down Buttons until the step is in place.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with move buttons highlighted.

Click the OK Button to save your changes.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with ok button highlighted.

Your step is now is now in its new position in the Pending box on the Workflow Status tab.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with workflow status tab - pending box highlighted.

How to Delete Steps from a Workflow

To delete a step in the workflow, select the step you wish to delete and click the Red X Button.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with remove button highlighted.

An alert will pop-up asking you to confirm the step deletion. Click the OK Button to confirm.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with remove step alert box highlighted.

The deleted step no longer appears in the Update Pending Workflow tool.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with step removed.

Click the OK Button to save your changes.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM update pending workflow tool with ok button highlighted.

The deleted step has been removed from the Pending box on the Workflow Status tab.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with workflow status tab - pending box highlighted.

Example: Adding a Consultation Step

Icon of a pen

Scenario: The proposal currently is being reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. The committee requests additional consultation and wants to see the proposal again afterwards.

Solution: To accomplish this request, you must first edit the proposal and then modify the proposal's pending workflow steps. Instructions for both parts are as follows:

Go to the CourseLeaf CIM Approval Dashboard to locate the appropriate proposal. Once there, select the Curriculum Committee Vote step from the Your Role dropdown menu.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with role selected.

Scroll through the Pages Pending Approval list and select the appropriate page to edit. The reports and workflow status window and the Page Review window will be populated with information from the proposal.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with reports and workflow status windows highlighted.

From the toolbar of the Page Review window, click the blue Edit Button to open the proposal. The course proposal will open in a new window.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with edit button highlighted.

On the proposal, scroll down to the Consultation section.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Proposal form consultation section.

If the individual needed for consultation is already listed as a consultant, change the Include in Consultation dropdown selection from Exclude to Include to ensure the proposal is sent back that person.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Proposal form consultation section with include column highlighted.

If the individual needed for consultation is not already listed as a consultant, click the Green Plus Sign Button to add the person.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Proposal form consultation section with add row button highlighted.

This will add a row to the bottom of the consultants list. In the new row, enter the name or user ID of the individual to be consulted.

For best results when entering a name, type the individual's last name in the form field. As you begin to type, a list of suggestions from the Penn State directory will pop up, from which you can select.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Proposal form consultation section with add name tool.

The selected individual's name will be added. For this person, select Include in the Include in Consultation field.

The Consultant's Response field will appear disabled at this point since the response will be selected by the consultant upon review of the proposal.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Proposal form consultation section with added row highlighted.

Once you have finished making the appropriate changes to the Consultation section, click the Save Changes Button at the bottom of your screen to save the information to the program proposal.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Proposal form - save changes button.

The proposal window will close, returning you back to the CourseLeaf Approval Dashboard.

From the CourseLeaf Approval Dashboard, the proposal will still be selected. Select the Workflow Status tab in the Page Info/Status window in the upper right side of the screen.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with workflow status tab highlighted.

Select Update Pending Workflow to update workflow with the needed consultation step for this proposal for this approval cycle only.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard - workflow status tab with update pending workflow button highlighted.

The Update Pending Workflow tool will open in a new browser window for you to update the pending workflow steps.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard - update pending workflow tool.

To add a Consultation step to the workflow, click the Green Plus Sign Button in the upper right side of the Update Pending Workflow tool.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard - update pending workflow tool with add button highlighted.

In the Add Pending Step pop-up window, enter "Consultation" and click the OK Button.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard - update pending workflow tool with add step popup window highlighted.

With the new Consultation step selected, click the Green Arrow Up Button to move the step up to the spot directly after the Curriculum Committee Vote step.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard - update pending workflow tool with move button highlighted.

To allow the Curriculum Committee to review the proposal again after the Consultation step, one additional step will need to be added to the pending workflow. Click the Green Plus Sign Button in the upper right side of the Update Pending Workflow tool.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard - update pending workflow tool with add button highlighted.

In the Add Pending Step pop-up window, enter "Curriculum Committee Vote" (the step the proposal is current at) and click the OK Button.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard - update pending workflow tool with add step popup window highlighted.

Because of the cursor placement, this new step should appear directly after the Consultation step just added, but if necessary use the Green Arrow Up and Arrow Down Buttons to move this step directly below the Consultation step.

Once the step is in place, click the OK Button to save your changes.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard - update pending workflow tool with ok button highlighted.

Your added Consultation and Curriculum Committee Vote steps now appear in the Pending box on the Workflow Status tab.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with workflow status tab - pending box highlighted.

From the toolbar of the Page Review window, click the green Approve Button to send the proposal to the newly added Consultation step.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM approval dashboard with approve button highlighted.

The proposal will be sent to the Consultation step. Once that step is complete, the proposal will return to the Curriculum Committee Vote step for the committee to review again.