How to Respond to a Voting Step

To respond to a voting step, first log in to the appropriate CourseLeaf CIM dashboard:

Alternatively, voters can click on the Page Approval link that is included in the automated email sent when it is the Voting step in the workflow process.

Once you have logged in to the dashboard, search for the appropriate course or program proposal. After selecting the proposal, a preview panel of the proposal will appear below the results table.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard with proposal preview panel highlighted.

After you have reviewed the proposal and are ready to record your vote, go to the Recommendation Box at the top right corner of the proposal.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard with recommendation box highlighted.

The following voting choices appear:

  • No concerns: You have no concerns about the proposal and agree it should move forward with no corrections necessary.
  • Major concerns: You have major concerns about the proposal and do not think it should move forward without revisions.
  • Minor concerns: You think the proposal can be approved by the committee after some minor revisions are made.

Check the appropriate checkbox for your vote and then click the Save Button.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard with recommendation box vote and save button highlighted.

Your vote is saved. To see a summary of vote results, click the Show Voting Results link at the bottom of the Recommendation box.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard with recommendation box show voting results link highlighted.

The full voting results will be shown. The names of committee members who have not yet voted will appear in italic text.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard with recommendation box full voting results.

If you select either Major concerns or Minor concerns, enter a comment in the Vote Comments field directly to the left of the Recommendation box. Once you enter your comments, click the Add Vote Comment Button.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard with vote comments section highlighted.

Your comments are saved to the proposal and are only visible to other members of the committee workflow step. Committee members may respond to comments left by other members by clicking the Reply link under the comment.

Screenshot of the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard with vote comments reply button highlighted.