Members of a disciplinary group chosen for disciplinary consultation on a proposal have the opportunity to review the proposal and leave a comment directly on proposal as needed.
To comment on a proposal as a disciplinary consultant, first log in to the appropriate CourseLeaf CIM dashboard:
Alternatively, disciplinary consultants can click on the Page Approval link that is included in the automated email sent when it is the Consultation step in the workflow process.
Once you have logged in to the dashboard, search for the appropriate course or program proposal. After selecting the proposal, a preview panel of the proposal will appear below the results table.
Along the top right side of the preview panel (above the "In Workflow" box), click the Add Comment Button.
A comment box will appear directly below the button. Add your comment to the comment box and click the Save Button.
Your comment will be saved and display in the Consultation section of the proposal form under Reviewer Comments. Your comment will be displayed with a timestamp and username.
Note: These comments are viewable by all users and cannot be edited after they are posted.